Chef Kimchunja’s Koran Food Story

KOOKSARANG The food story of Korean food & Fermented
food master Chef Kimchunja

What is Korean food?
It’s mother’s waiting.
Korean food is not a food that is cooked and made in
a short time. But as a representative slow food,
They are made by ingredients through long-term
fermentation and aging. And using these ingredients
slowly and sincerely.

Make the tasty food
with sincerity and truth

We cook at the store every day with the idea that
making the tasty food with the healthiest ingredients
is the value of Kooksarang The brand created with
such sincerity is Kooksarang
Master Chef Kimchunja as
Kooksarang R&D advisor

· Master Chef of temple food

· Fermented food expert

· Master chef of Korean cuisine

· Standing advisor to “The Blue Tree”

will always deliver the tasty food with sincerity and love to customers