
KOOKSARANG “Kooksarang, a national side dish company”

Where our family’s
healthy and tasty food begins
국사랑 로고
Delicious soup, but difficult to make and boil,
From now on, don’t worry anymore and solve it with Kooksarang!
Don’t eat out and enjoy the meal inside your warming house!
국사랑 국 이미지
국사랑 Benefit(1. 외식업소 1/3가격에 제공, 2. 선호도 높은 다양한 메뉴 구성, 3. 천연 재료 사용, 4. 조리 명인의 메뉴 개발) + 소비자의 Needs(1. 조리가 필요 없음, 2. 가격, 가성비 만족, 3. 맛, 위생 만족, 4. 간편함)

Kooksarang sell all menus developed by
Korean fermented food master chef using
more than 30 natural ingredients,

It is the value of Kooksarang to make
the tasty food using healthy ingredients


  • 01
    The beginning of the competitiveness of
    Kooksarang is the use of carefully selected
    good ingredients
  • 02
    Kooksarang is flavored with
    about 30 natural ingredients
  • 03
    Kooksarang makes all foods
    low-salt foods
  • 04
    All menus of Kooksarang are made using
    state of the art purified clean water
  • 05
    All price of Kooksarang are nice
  • 06
    Allmenus are made and prepared at the store
  • 07
    Food experts can make it and you can trust it
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